Kerri Keane – AFTD
"I can’t begin to thank you for all of your dedication, passion, professionalism and heart that you shared with the RC leadership team, your volunteers and the community over the past 2 years. AFTD is truly grateful for ALL of the hours YOU spent working hard to support and guide our volunteers, educate the community and represent AFTD. Under your leadership, you have a strong group of volunteers, most of whom are active. You have been a great team player and a role model for your fellow RCs to follow. In the midst of your busy career and volunteering as an AFTD affiliated SGF, you still made your RC responsibilities a priority. Thank you for representing AFTD as the New England Regional Coordinator Volunteer from February 2017-December 2018."
Kerri Keane, Volunteer Manager, AFTD (Assoc. for Frototemporal Degeneration) 12.12.18
DCPutnam Consulting - Alzheimer's / Dementia Practitioner