Educating community groups, non-health care providers, who deal with the elderly – eldercare lawyers, clergy, bankers, salon operators, financial planners, service providers (plumbers, electricians, restaurants, etc.), utility workers, rescue and fire teams, retired groups, Employee Assistance Programs (EAP), etc. – are critical in our current environment. Many times the above individuals are the first to realize what is happening with a client or customer. They may see them in the neighborhood, at the grocery store or pharmacy, in church or at temple. Some service providers will actually be in the home setting and realize there is a problem that needs to be addressed. People in the broader community need to become more aware of what to look for and how to communicate effectively with their customers or clients who are dementia patients.
Alzheimer’s disease develops over an extended period of time. Therefore, some individuals could be in their home setting for 3-5 years or more before someone is truly aware of what is happening. Many spouses also “cover” for their loved one, not wanting to let the family know what is taking place or hoping, beyond hope, that what they are seeing isn’t Alzheimer’s or some other form of dementia.
Education / Training Options:
DCPutnam Consulting is available to businesses, corporations, unions, religious organizations, police, fire & rescue departments, utility companies and EAPs to broaden their employees understanding and knowledge of dementia through presentations in their own work place. Possessing effective observation and communication skills is critical when interacting with dementia patients. Presentations at monthly meetings or in the work place during lunch or over coffee are perfect times to share this kind of information.
I am currently facilitating 2 monthly support groups located in the greater Pittsburgh area. Support groups provide an opportunity for caregivers to listen, learn and share as they support each other through difficult times. Support group members learn a lot through this process, but they cry a little and laugh a little as well.
It’s one thing to share with a neighbor or a good friend about what is happening in your dementia household… and thank goodness they are there to listen and be supportive. But to actually sit in the same place with people who are or have experienced what you are experiencing is very different. When you hear that a wife put the one and only set of car keys in the freezer and then couldn’t fine them, you don’t feel quite as desperate or alone because your husband did the same thing 2 weeks ago. When you realize that some families have been dealing with their specific form of dementia for 3 years and have managed to get through each day and survive, you realize there is hope. Education – sharing – learning – hope… these are the tools that families and individuals need to manage their personal situation. Listed below are the support groups where you will find us talking about pertinent information each month:
Monthly Support Group Meetings:
Facilitator: Doreen C. Putnam, CDP®,CADDCT®, CMDCP®, CIPG
Call 401-464-2372 for Information
Mountain View Memory Care, Greensburg, PA
Third Tuesday – 5:30 – 7:00 pm In-Person Support Group
Alzheimer’s / Dementia Specific ~ Open to all Alzheimer’s / Dementia Caregivers
Third Thursday – Virtual Support Group 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
FTD – Frontotemporal Degeneration Specific – Open to all FTD Caregivers
There is no charge to participate in any of the support groups.